Principal Message

Dear Students, Staff and Parents,

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”- Aristotle

In this quote, Aristotle has very powerfully conveyed how to approach life cum schooling to make it more meaningful, fulfilling and significant. This wisdom will be the inspiring mantra for us the educators at New Indian School.

The pandemic has taught several lessons to all of us. Although it initially proved to be quite challenging, the education sector which had been stagnant for decades was rapidly forced to move towards digital education.  New Indian School was more than quick to adapt to this sudden transformation.  The same spirit, zeal and passion would continue forever.  Pandemic or no pandemic we are bound by this heightened level of flexibility where classes are no more within the four walls.

Our aim at New Indian School is not to manufacture centum producing students. We are consciously watching with concern the happenings around the world. So, our vision and mission are very clear. We accord prime importance to discipline, character formation and life skill education. We strongly believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation to free this world from racism, terrorism, violence, gender discrimination, poverty and injustice. No stone will be left unturned to make our students confident, courageous, honest, kind and responsible beings. 

 The reputation, the school has acquired and established over these years is due to the dedication, the selfless commitment of the teachers. Not to forget the active role played by the parents especially during the pandemic time. I appreciate the contribution of the parents, admire the selfless service of the teachers of the past and the present.  Let us all continue to work together to take the school to the greater level.  I don’t have a magic wand to fix all your problems immediately, but I do have a heart to care, ears to listen, time to give, ideas to share and an open mind to welcome you wholeheartedly whenever you want to meet me.

Best Wishes, 

Anita Sadanand.
